Well, not only is the subject matter utterly disgusting, but it is also blatantly obvious that I have not got the slightest clue about camel anatomy. Nevertheless, it earned me eleven points here. So, I won't be carping on about it too strongly. Yes, gentle reader, I am smiling as I type, as I did not expect many points at all.
My thoughts wandered down two different paths before I alighted on the camel (Ho ho!). One path tended toward the Virgin Mary and the other toward Jesus performing conjuring tricks. I am mightily glad I eschewed both these areas as they were depicted far more competently than anything I could have achieved, as you, gentle reader, can ascertain for yourself by clicking on the link above. It will take you to the Cartoonists' Club of Great Britain website and will even deposit you right on the very doorstep of the competition under discussion. Now, how's that for service, eh?
Good Points: My depiction of hands is getting better. I have been re-reading Bill Tidy's Fosdyke Saga and noticed that the great man himself only used three fingers per mitt and yet they still looked good and natural. Taking that as a lead, I have stopped fretting over drawing each digit for the sake of anatomical accuracy. Which brings me back to the camel. You knew it was a camel didn't you? Despite the lack of deep research on my part, the creature still looks very camelesque, doesn't it? It doesn't? Oh.
All the Asterix Books. Reviewed. Briefly.
9 years ago