
Monday, 31 March 2014

The Homophone: Where Would Cartoons Be Without 'Em?

Tada! This week's competition entry. Pre-pencilled, scanned and digitally inked. I consciously worked on perspective this week and I think the effort has really paid dividends. As usual, I was in a bit of a rush and therefore the drawing has suffered as a consequence. Having said that, I am very, very pleased with this. Got quite a few votes too, despite buggering up the caption. OOPS! Should have been "Now that could be a problem." It should have meant instant disqualification, but the gentle souls at the Cartoonists' Club are a very forgiving lot.
For those who think a homophone is a gay means of communication, steak sounds a lot like stake. Okay yah?

Sunday, 16 March 2014

O, That These Two Too Hurried Messes Would Melt...

Two cartoons created purely on the graphics pad and not a single lead pencil or hot pressed sheet of paper in sight. And by crikey doesn't it show. I really need to give myself more time to execute these drawings and actually pay more attention to their composition. If I had drawn these in pencils from the word go I think I would have had a pair of little crackers. Neither cartoon is actually awful and lacking in merit per se, but they both could have been considerably better had I given myself more time in their preparation. More time and energy and a little less Merlot, perhaps.