
Sunday, 4 November 2018

Inktober Musings

Inktober, as a concept, really filled me with optimism and got my creative juices going. I mapped out the suggested titles for each day and even did a few preliminary sketches for one or two of the days. But, alas and alack, I pretty quickly fell by the wayside very early on. Nevertheless, what I did produce represents a number of hours very enjoyably spent. It was also nice to dig out a bottle of ink and a dip pen again.
I am going to re-produce my two favourites here; Tranquil and Spell. Tranquil, because Kenneth Grahame was wrong, well not wrong, but not entirely correct when Ratty tells Mole  "Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." he should have added that wallowing in a hot bath with a good book and a good red wine by candlelight runs messing about in boats a pretty close second.
So, on to Spell. I thoroughly enjoyed drawing this although I may have tried to be a little too subtle for my own good. The more eagle-eyed viewer may spot the fact that there is only one corkscrew, one cork, one bottle of wine and a large number of goblets. I wish I could work that magic.
From the two examples I have shown here it would be easy to assume that there is an emerging theme of oenophilia. Those that know me personally will understand that my only response can be "guilty as charged m'lud."

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Stockings Versus Tights: A Question of Practicalities

This is my entry for this (sort of ) week's caption competition. All the entries for the weekly CCGB battle may be seen here. The theme was Bank Robbers and I came second!
I think, personally, my attempts to loosen up may be a bit too loose low tech.
Too loose low tech. Toulouse Lautrec. Keep up!
But still, second place!
My head is currently so big that it can only be housed in one of those hangars at Cardington.

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

The Re-emergence of an Old Obsession.

The cartoon above came second with a total of 15 points in what was, it has to be said, a rather small field. Nonetheless, I am still very proud of that fact. All salient information can be found on this link.
Once again, time and tide would not wait for yours truly, so this was done rather hurriedly, but I am very pleased with the Dr's posture and demeanour. It is, of course, William Hartnell's incarnation of the Dr. I won't say the first and the best, but perhaps the first and the scariest?

Monday, 21 May 2018

Bad Boy, Brendini! Bad Bad Boy!

Well, hand me my hair-shirt and pass that scourge, will you? Mea culpa, mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. Yes yes, I know. The cartoon is of questionable taste, but that is merely par for the course for me as regular readers will know (won't you both?).
 No, I am ashamed to confess that this one is in particular poor taste. I owe D. C. Thomson, in general, and the late, great Jack Prout specifically, a huge apology. Close scrutiny (and if you click on the picture you may scrutinise in great detail) will reveal to readers of a certain age that two of the protagonists very strongly resemble the shepherd, Andrew Glen and his faithful Border Collie, Black Bob. The explanation lies in the fact that I based two of the characters on Andrew Glen and Black Bob. Simple as that.
You may be too young to appreciate Black Bob's qualities of bravery, loyalty and steadfastness, but he was very popular and had eight annuals dedicated to his adventures.
This is why I hang my head in shame. Black Bob would never participate in the shenanigans depicted here.  

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

The Body Beautiful?

This little bit of nonsense was my entry for the Cartoon Competition that took place in mid March!!!  I tried to come up with some sort of antithesis to Michelangelo's David and came up with Michelangelo's Popeye, with apologies to the late E. C. Segar. I came fourth with an ego-stroking eleven points. I would have come third, but I voted myself off the winner's podium through my own votes. Oh, the irony!
I did a fair bit of research for this particular cartoon and I think it shows. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with this one